The Institute for Childhood Preparedness is pleased to announce we teamed up with Autism Little Learners to translate our series of social stories to help children prepare for safety and emergency preparedness drills. You can now find all your favorites in English and Spanish: Fire Drills, Active Shooter Preparedness Drills (Bees to a Beehive), and Tornado Drills, Hurricanes, and Wildfires.
Institute Staff
This is fantastic news! Having social stories available in both English and Spanish is a great step toward inclusivity and ensuring that all children have access to important safety and emergency preparedness information. The translations will undoubtedly help children feel more prepared and comfortable during drills. Thank you to the Institute for Childhood Preparedness and Autism Little Learners for this valuable resource! basketball stars
The story depicted through the picture is very vivid and shows the meaning you want to convey in Western society. Autistic children today are increasingly on the rise as social networks become increasingly dominant and attention becomes scarce and scarce. geometry dash subzero