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Our Experts Help Make Your Place as Secure as Possible

Our team of trusted experts will conduct a comprehensive site security and risk analysis assessment of your facility. We will review your policies, procedures and operations for a top to bottom security assessment. Through direct observations and detailed conversations with key stakeholders, we will develop a comprehensive report, with actionable recommendations to help keep your facility and the children that you serve as safe as possible.

Our team has trained over 100,000 early childhood and educational professionals and we have seen thousands of locations. No one knows better than us that each location is unique and has different challenges. That is why our approach is customized to fit your needs.  

  • a site review of the interior and exterior portions of the facility,

  • thorough examination of all entrances and exits,

  • a review of the neighborhood and surrounding area including recent trends in crime and violence,

  • discussions with key staff members and stakeholders,

  • a review of current procedures - such as procedures for pick up and drop off, transfer of care, transitions with the children,

  • and much more!

Our custom site security and risk assessment includes, but is not limited to:

Contact us today and let our experts help increase the safety and security of your facility:

We will provide you with additional information about our offering and provide you with a
no-obligation quote.

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